Ever looked at a gun and wondered what type of gun it was? Or better still have you ever seen a BB gun and mistook it for an airsoft gun? If your answer is affirmative, this article is for you. The good news is that you need not worry because you are not alone in this boat. A lot of people, lovers of guns inclusive, are still in the dark about the distinct differences between these two types of guns. In this post, you will have the opportunity to learn about the distinct differences between a BB Gun and an Airsoft Gun. First of all let us go back in time, just about the time the guns were first discovered.

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A brief history of the Airsoft gun

It all started in Japan, in the early 1970s. As at this time, there were strict gun control laws in place. The laws prohibited private individuals from owning or handling firearms. So, for anyone not in the military, it was illegal to own or handle a gun. The shooting aficionados in an effort to cope with these restrictions created the Airsoft guns. That way, they could be law-abiding citizens and have fun with their favourite sport/hobby at the same time. The very first airsoft guns could fire plastic pellets with 6mm diameter off a spring propeller in the gun.

Currently, the guns are replicate real steel firearms. The guns come in three categories namely air-driven pellet guns, spring-driven pellet guns and cap-type guns. The air-driven pellet guns relied on the wind to propel the plastic pellet to its target. The spring-driven pellet guns use a spring to propel the plastic pellet held between two small locks when the gun was fired. Meanwhile, the cap-type guns made use of a powerful explosive cap to make a sound similar to real gunfire and with discharge cartridges.

With time, modifications like using a propellant became a feature for the gun. The spring that was used as a propellant to fire the gun was soon replaced by a green gas called ‘Air-soft’ or ‘Soft-Air’, hence its name. After gaining ground in Japan, the Airsoft gun spread to China, Korea, Taiwan, Hong Kong and the Philippines. The strict gun controls laws in these countries aided its popularity and growth. In the late 1980s, it penetrated the United Kingdom and in the mid-1990s it spread across the United States and Europe. Ever since the Japanese have manufactured and exported the Airsoft gun with recreational purposes in mind.

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A brief history of the BB gun

We can trace the origin of the BB gun to the year 1886. When George W Sage randomly decided to place any bullet he could find in his gun. The act brought about the beginning of the BB gun. There had been some misconceptions as to what the is the acronym BB and it's meaning. While some said it represents ‘bullet ball’, others said it stands for ‘ball bearing’.

It might interest you to know that neither of them is correct. In fact, it is technically incorrect if the name ‘ball-bearing’ is used to describe any steel ball. The BB guns made use of the BB-sized shotguns with a lead shot of varying size between B and size BBB. It was made of maple wood, and it bore no resemblance to a firearm according to historic records. The BB gun was heavy, which made it difficult to carry or shoot straight.

However, it still grew into an industry that produces BB guns in its millions with tangible profits. The very first BB guns had bullets with 4.57mm diameter compared to the 6mm diameter plastic pellet of the Airsoft gun. Also unlike the Airsoft guns, the BB guns could fire shotgun pellets.

In 1887, a merchant by name Clarence Hamilton invented a spring-piston airgun which was almost all-metal. The new gun could shoot lead BB shells and it became popular. By 1888, mass production for the gun became a reality to match growing demands.

The history of the BB gun would not be complete without the mention of Daisy Manufacturing Company. They are one of the earlier makers of the oldest type of guns. At the time, they had a complete monopoly on the BB gun market. Their competitors often had no choice but to copy them. For example. When the Daisy company opted to use 4.45mm diameter guns rather than the 4.55 diameter guns. Although it was experimental, competitors followed the same strategy.

Unfortunately, In 1920, customers began to submit negative experiences. Many of the customers had to turn in their guns for repairs due to oversized steel balls in the split barrels. The American Ball Company capitalised on the moment to make huge sales.

Nevertheless, Daisy Manufacturing company acquired the American Ball Company in 1939 to reclaim their place in the BB gun market. The Daisy Manufacturing Company is still in the business of providing the world with the best types of firearms.


Differences between the Airsoft Gun and the BB gun

Although some difference has been highlighted above, below are some more details on what separates the Airsoft gun and the BB gun.

  • Accuracy :

Due to the lightweight of the projectiles of Airsoft gun, target accuracy may not be 100%. There are so many factors that can push it off its initial course. While both guns can accurately hit targets from a closeup range, it is not exactly true for long ranges. Airsoft guns are recommended for up close and personal ranges while BB guns thrive best at long-range shootings.

The BB gun is better at long-range because it is not prone to disturbances from environmental elements. Also, the BB guns ammunition is made of steel and lead, and they tend to be more accurate than the Airsoft gun at down-ranges.

Interestingly, Airsoft guns have a hop-up system that gives the shell some backspin, making it travel for longer distances without being disturbed. This was one major upgrade to the gun that made Airsoft players very excited.

  • Ammunition :

As mentioned earlier, the Airsoft gun makes use of plastic pellets as bullets. Each pellet measures about 6mm in diameter and it comes in different weights. As a result, the effect on impact by the bullet is quite minimal. There is a slim chance for a fatal or permanent injury when using the Airsoft gun. It will not even penetrate the skin, although it might cause sharp pain at the point of contact.

In sharp contrast, the BB gun comes with projectiles that are actually BB shots made of metals that measures about 4.57mm in diameter. As expected, the impact of BB shots is very fatal. Apart from them being able to tear the skin tissues, these bullets can hit sensitive parts of the body leading to permanent damages and possible loss of lives.

Kindly note that modern Airsoft guns are not restricted to plastic pellets but can also make use of other materials like Paintball BBs, Markers, Metals (mostly aluminium), Ceramic and some synthetic materials. The metals used are obviously heavier than the plastic hence they are not affected by the wind. So the targeting is more accurate.

  • Hunting :

If you enjoy hunting and looking to have the best experience? Then you might consider getting yourself a BB gun next time you go shopping for traps and weapons. Apart from the high accuracy of the gun, it is often better to deliver a quick death to the prey rather than a painful one. The animals will definitely appreciate the lack of torture.

The Airsoft gun would basically just hit the animal without killing it outright leaving it in more pain and giving you more work in the end. Therefore, for a more productive and efficient hunting experience, take a BB gun rather than an Airsoft gun with you.

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  • Pest control :

We cannot always control the number of rodents and other pests that play around on our property. We can sure control how long they stay around. A BB gun would come in handy if you want to totally get rid of mice that come around while an Airsoft gun would merely scare them away because you are not sure if you would hit the target. So you choose, do you want to just scare off those stubborn pests or do you want to get rid of them, permanently?

  • Pricing :

Both BB guns and Airsoft guns vary in cost depending on where it is being purchased. The Ammos of both is fairly close in price, hence the cost of use is closely priced. In your local sports shop, you can get both guns at a cheap rate, for as low as $25 for the airsoft guns and probably $30 for BB guns.

The prices do not cover all the bells and whistle though. But when you check out the prices on a shopping website or with a dealer, you would be surprised to see the prices getting to about $1,000 for the airsoft and about $3,000 or more for the BB gun. This comes with the full gun accessories of course. Generally, airsoft guns are cheaper than BB guns.

  • Safety precautions :

When it comes to safety, one cannot be too careful. Basically, with airsoft, it is assumed that you would be shooting at another individual. Always wear full-body protection should be worn. All exposed areas should be covered especially the head and chest region. A BB gun was never designed to be shot at another individual on purpose except during war.

Therefore a full-body cover might not be required. But remember, eye protection MUST be worn by the shooter and any other person within the area.

  • Usage :

The primary reason people go for the airsoft gun is for recreational purposes and probably for some type of training. They are used mostly in tactical gaming situations where each player has to ‘eliminate’ players of the opposite team. But if you want the real deal, something that would give you the real effect and not the illusion of it, the BB gun is your go-to choice.

Also, unlike the BB gun, Airsoft guns can be used for indoor shooting especially in places where the houses are closely built. SWAT teams, movie stunt doubles and Military also use the Airsoft for training.

  • Variety :

There is beauty in diversity and what is the fun in manufacturing goods in just one form anyway? One very major advantage of the Airsoft gun is that it does not come in just one form. It comes in both pistols and rifles whereas the BB guns come only in the form of pistols.

Some folk argue that it is due to the complexity that comes with making the BB guns and BB shots that justifies the pistols only option. Others argue that there are no BB rifles because of the peace and safety of the environment. But let’s ask, What about the AK 47s? Anyway, depending on the occasion, you can decide whether to go for the pistol type of Airsoft or you just ‘riffle’ all the way!

  • Velocity :

The airsoft gun shoots at a lower velocity than a BB gun. One might think that because the ammunition of the BB gun is heavier than that of the Airsoft, the barrel would be slower. Well, this is true but because the BB gun shoots at a range of 390 FPS to 590 FPS, the speed is massive. Although the ammo of the Airsoft gun is lighter, it shoots from around 200 FPS to an upper limit of 410 FPS making the impact lesser.

In conclusion, it is crucial to take into account the purpose of what you intend to use a gun for before buying. The purpose will determine if you will be using the Airsoft gun or the BB gun. In this post, we have done our best to highlight the key difference in both guns and where they are applicable. If you have any questions or require additional information, do not hesitate to contact us.

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